
Showing posts from December, 2013

Joe Brooks - These Broken Hands Of Mine

     She will always be thought and talked sweetly of. Compete all you want with those surrounding her, she won't be the one who bandages those hands of yours. She will be the one who realizes the beauty of scarred hands and the hardship they went through. And maybe, just maybe you will get a chance. Here comes These Broken Hands Of Mine . Download URL: These Broken Hands Of Mine download (PS: Right click and 'Save Link')

Dido - White Flag

     On Christmas day, emotions are sure to run high. To match that high, one of Dido's seems to be a snug fit. Even without much pump from background sounds, she still manages to make people swell during the chorus. This song is what Dido is known for. This is White Flag .

Gorillaz - Feel Good INC

      I just needed reconfirmation and I think I had that. More than enough of that. And now with all of that crap gone down the drain, I feel good. I feel new and I feel focused. I'll quietly exit with  Feel Good . Download URL: Feel Good download (PS Right click and 'Save Link')

Joe Brooks - Six String Soldier

     This upcoming tune just sounds so funky. It is sure to be a tide-turner! So if you are having a bad day, be prepared for a great one! This is  Six String Soldier . Download URL: Six String Soldier download ( PS Right-click and 'save link')

John Lennon - Imagine

     This is one of my personal favorites, cause it just sounds so smooth and soothing. It has this great sense of what is morally right, embedded inside it. And also what more could be done to make this world a better place. This is  Imagine . Download URL: Imagine Download ( PS Right-click and 'save link')

Ed Sheeran Ft. Mikill Pane - Little Lady

     Prostitution is a big no-no. But for some, it's the only way to make ends meet. In this next one, Ed Sheeran and Mikill Pane sheds some light on this. Tuning in the time line before she dies, Mikill Pane bars along Ed Sheeran's 'A Team'. This is Little Lady . Download URL: Little Lady Download (PS Right-click and 'save link')

Icona Pop - All Night

    Finally. I finally found a song that defines this site and its purpose. I want every single listeners to have this sense of enlightenment every time they hear our picks. I want everyone to be on euphoria. To make everyone's lawn seem greener, to make everyone's day a lil' bit brighter and to discover this wonderful gift that is music, together, that's our goal. Our flagship song shall be All Night by Icona Pop, until a better substitute is found. Download URL: All Night download (PS Right-click and 'save link')

The Maine- Take Me Dancing, The Maine- These Four Words

I don’t claim to be an all around fan of The Maine but I assure you that they are probably one of the best bands to listen to out there. Period. Maybe it is because they have transitioned so much from the typical pop-punk group to being a group that produces wonderful songs that relate to all of us, in one way or another. Or that could just be my sixteen year old fangirl self exaggerating again. Either ways, here are two songs that I strongly suggest all of you to listen to because damn, my heartstrings are all wrung up due to it. Moreover- take caution, because they are slower than you might expect them to be. This is Take Me Dancing  and These Four Words . Download links:  Take Me Dancing download  and  These Four Words download (PS Right-click and 'save link')

Oasis - Slide Away

     See that kid over there? Yes, him. He seems happy, cheerful and content with his life. But truth be told, he only SEEMS that way. It's just his way of masking his mistakes. Why is he so secretive? Cause he knows that not a single one of you little fuckers can comprehend his pain, that he will only dumb fold everyone in this vast crowd of people. He looks at the boy whom everyone calls an 'Emo' and laughs. He? An emo? He is a million years behind him, he is a million years behind suicidal thoughts. He is a billion years behind testing it himself. He knows he has a problem. He just doesn't know what it is. To always feel betrayed and to always feel hurt. Now will you take him seriously if he told you he is going to kill himself? He just wants to Slide Away . The whole world can fuck off. Download URL: Slide Away download (PS Right-click and 'save link')

Frank Ocean - Swim Good

     Try not to close the tab before the chorus, give this song a chance. Though there is a weird awkward tune to it, it somehow sounds really good. I guess your liking really depends on your music taste for this one. This is Swim Good . Download URL: Swim Good download (PS Right-click and 'save link')