
Showing posts from 2014

Gareth Emery - U

Theres always a chance for a new start! And here is mine today, i am officially starting up on this music blog again. Time to use those music taste buds once again buddy! Song of the day is U  by Gareth Emery! EARGASM :) Download URL:  Gareth Emery - U (Dont forget to right click and click on save link!)

Ed Sheeran - Don't

       Barely getting over the annoying fact that Ed's new album mostly consists of songs named with a single letter. It's as if he can't think of any other titles. Don't. Sing. One. After a few hundred folds of hearing them, they actually sound quite good. Love seeking muggles won't be disappointed as there's plenty of sex in his new album. Another reason to love Ed: Though he writes of his ex'es, he doesn't name and shame. Just Don't fuck his love.

Luciana Zogbi - All of me

    A little unpopular confession here, I had listen so much of the original that I had already begun to hate it. I can't help it, with people blasting this song off their radio, it's hard not to hear it EVERYWHERE. That's until I wandered upon a cover. Here is  All of Me . And she's beautiful too! Plus plus!

James Arthur - Recovery

     Unlike their American counter-part, British idol singers actually  improve  and not go down-hill after the curtains are closed. They are able to actually write their own songs and write them well. This is  Recovery .

Rome - Eighteen

     I know that it's overly used but, you only live once. You pass every year celebrating your birthday, but what you don't know is that you will also pass by your deathday. Take it all in, take in all the sounds and smells, cause one day you might just miss it. This is  eighteen .

Hedley- Anything

If you like Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, you'd like this. Minus the rap, of course since Hedley is a pop-rock based group.It is bound to get you into a motivation frenzy and get you so pumped up that you'd probably explode into millions of atoms. Turn your volume up and listen to  Anything . Download URL:  Hedley- Anything (P.S Right click and 'save link')

Foster the Poeple - I would do anything for you

     Firstly, i apologize for being terribly inactive lately, it's just too hard balancing this blog and schoolwork at the same time. I think I'd make up for lost time with this track. It's bouncy, it's soft and yet so invigorating. This is I would do anything for you . Download URL: I would do anything for you (PS Right click and save link)

Ellie Goulding - Figure 8

     Time to fill in for the lack of energy and pump. This next one is a pretty exciting one that's bound you get you up and going. The mix of high and lows in this song can't be any more beautiful. This is Figure 8 .

David Archuleta - Elevator

     Tap into someone's head midway into this song and you'd find them in a tight-fit tuxedo. Countless number of faces behind le'parisian cafes turning to follow his every movement. He looks dashing every stride down New York street, with sky-scrapers behind him as the sun shines down on him oh-so perfectly. There is just so much life in this song. This is Elevator . Download URL: Elevator download (PS Right click and 'save-link')

Andrew Belle - In My Veins

Life tends to feel like utter shit from time to time. “Everything will change, nothing stays the same. Nobody here is perfect, oh but everyone’s to blame. All that you rely on, and all that you can save, will leave you in the morning and find you in the day. Oh you’re in my veins, and I cannot get you out. Oh you’re all I taste, at night inside of my mouth. Oh you run away ‘cause I am not what you found. Oh you’re in my veins, and I cannot get you out. No, I cannot get you out.” This is In My Veins  by Andrew Belle. Download URL:  In My Veins Download (P.S Right-click and 'save link')

Elliot Yamin - Wait For You

     If you think something is worth chasing, then you have to dig deep and bear the obstacles. This is one of the most emotional song I had ever heard, cause it's just so damn relatable. It feels as if Elliot had poured all his emotions into this expressive song, like he isn't ready to let go. It's not for the weak heart-ed. This is Wait For You . Download URL: Wait For You download (PS Right click and 'save link')

Lifehouse - You And Me

     A new year is upon us. A change will always result in self-evaluation and eventually, self-improvement. But what remains the same will always be that at heart. So cherish this day with your loved ones. Take every breath as if it was your last to do good and all that is right. Hoping that everyone's prepared for change. This is You and Me . Download URL: You and Me download (PS Right click and 'save link')